Round Table 'Soft Controls'

Soft controls: what does science say and what does practice teach us?

Speaker Hein-Jan Vink is Manager of the audit department of the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA). In recent years, Hein-Jan conducted doctoral research on organizational culture and soft controls. During his PhD research Hein-Jan gained all kinds of interesting insights. Both from science and practice. He likes to share these insights with other Audit, Risk and Compliance professionals.

General information

June 8, 2023

Icon Time

4 p.m.-6:30 p.m.

Icon Location

Julianalaan 15, Hilversum


There are many definitions of (and misunderstandings about) soft controls in circulation. Therefore Hein-Jan first briefly outlines what soft controls are and what is outside control. He also discusses the interesting difference between soft controls and culture.

It will then become clear that soft controls are significantly related to effectiveness. Hein-Jan will show the participants his knowledge and experience as a (scientific) researcher on organizational culture and soft controls. He conducted his research primarily using surveys and statistical analysis. In doing so, he frequently worked with "Kaptein's eight factors".

Hein-Jan will share insights including the following:

  • The importance of independent variables as well as a dependent variable.
  • What do low or high scores really say?
  • When is a certain score sufficient?
  • Factors can also work against each other.
  • What could be behind a particular score?
  • What research methods have worked in practice.
  • Why so-called "alignment research" is not recommended.

Hein-Jan also likes to hear participants' experiences. Therefore, you are invited to think in advance about (a) what has been your biggest challenge so far in applying soft controls, or (b) what the application of soft controls has concretely delivered. We hope you will share this experience with us during the Round Table.

What else you need to know

There is no cost to participate. Afterwards, a meal will be available and the opportunity to chat with each other.

Sign up

Unfortunately, due to great interest in this Round Table, it is no longer possible to register.


For questions about your application, please contact Marlou Akchich-Dingen at or 06-42095265.

Marlou Akchich-Dingen
Manager of Marketing & Communications