Strengthening collaboration Detailresult and ARC People

Nov. 23, 2022

Detailresult and ARC People had something to celebrate with each other this month. Hands were shaken and cakes were cut. The reason: Detailresult's Operational Audit and Risk department and ARC People are entering into a new partnership, by entering into a Co-sourcing agreement. 

Wilbert Kooiman, Manager of the Operational Audit and Risk Department: "With this, we opt for a more flexible deployment of capacity and expertise, in addition to our own team of audit professionals. On the subjects and moments that suit us. Together, based on the audit calendar, we determine where we can reinforce each other. Not only by deploying someone temporarily, but also by learning from the expertise brought in."

Sander van Oosten, partner of ARC People, notes that more and more organizations are opting for this form of service. Due to the tightening labor market, but also because of the increasingly specialized topics appearing on the audit calendar. Sander: "I think it's particularly good that Co-sourcing fits in very well with ARC People's three core values. After all, Co-sourcing is all about entering into a long-term relationship with each other, where you show genuine interest in the developments at your client....and try to connect to them as well as possible, based on our expertise."

Here you can read more about the benefits of Co-sourcing and a different customer experience. Would you like to discuss it further with us? Then contact Carlo Bavius or Sander van Oosten.

Sander van Oosten